Town Square-2 Vatika India Next Sector -82 Gurgaon,Haryana 122004

Meditest Wellness Screening

Meditest Wellness Screening

  • Actual Price - 2890
  • Meditest Lab Price - 999
  • Buy One Get One Free
  • Total number of tests: 49
  • Test Included for:
Detailed Diabetes Test
  • Blood Sugar Fasting
  • HbA1C , Average Glucose value for last Three Months
Detailed Diabetes Test
  • Blood Sugar Fasting
  • HbA1C , Average Glucose value for last Three Months
Heart Health
  • Cholesterol, Triglycerides
Thyroid Health
  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Kidney Health
  • Urea, Creatinine, e-GFR
Liver Health
  • Bilirubin - Total, Direct, Indirect, SGOT-AST, SGPT-ALT
CBC (Complete Blood Count)
  • RBC, WBC, Platelet, Haemoglobin
Complete Urine Analysis
  • Urine Routine and Microscopy

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